Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.CORPORATE INFORMATION - CORPORATE CLIENTS - Step 1 of 6Passport Upload * Click or drag a file to this area to upload. Apply Account Type *IndividualCorporateLocation *Date *Company Name *RC *Residential Address *Business Address *Nature of Business *No. of years in Business *Telephone 1 *Telephone 2 *NextName of Borrower/Signatory (1) *Residential Address *Business Address *Nature of Business *No of years in Business *Telephone 1 *Telephone 2 *BVN *Marital Status *Nationality *Date of Birth *Religion *Mother's Maiden Name *Name of Spouse (if Married)Spouse Nature of BusinessSpouse Employer (if on employment)Spouse Employer Business AddressSpouse Tel 1Spouse Tel 2PreviousNextName of Signatory *Residential Address *Business Address *Nature of Business *No of years in Business *Telephone 1 *Telephone 2 *BVN *Marital Status *Nationality *Date of Birth *Name of Spouse (if Married)Spouse Nature of BusinessSpouse Employer (if on employment)Spouse Employer Business AddressSpouse Tel 1Spouse Tel 2PreviousNext1). Name of Bank *Account Number *Account Name *Account Type *Debit Card Type: Visa/MasterCard/Verve *Card Number *(2) Name of Bank *Account Number *Account Name *Account Type *Debit Card Type:Visa/MasterCard/Verve *Card Number *PreviousNextDate Relationship Commenced * Account No *Account balance *Net balance *Value of Stock at Hand *Daily Turnover *Loan Amount *Tenor *Loan Type *Purpose *Repayment Plan *DailyWeeklyMonthlyManagement/Processing Fee *Security (Tick Appropriately): *Postdated Cheque Remita/Card Payment Stock PledgeOthersOthers (please Specify):Specify your securityBrowser Signature *Date *PreviousNextName *Office Address *Home Address *Telephone *Signature *Date *LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION FORM1. Completed Application form 2. Utility Bill 3. Collateral (e.g. Post-dated Cheques, original vehicle documents/ original C of O, Gold etc). 4. Duly completed guarantor forms (for SMEs) 5. Six months bank statement 6. Form of ID (International passport, Drivers licence, Voters card or NIMC IDPreviousMessageSubmit